
Showing posts with label Meditaion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditaion. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 September 2011

How different are we within us …?

  You may mind it or not but try to think of your self, about your ‘self and material body’. Just stand right before a life size mirror buck naked and look at the ‘same you’ who is standing before yo
First a simple look …then a bit serious … then and then, again and again, repeatedly look at the person in the mirror … Now you are beginning to feel two separate but inseparable entities… you watch your own shape or body that reflecting in the mirror… you  may appreciate it or depreciate about your visible personality…  you may feel good . You may not feel good … you may have many comparisons to compare with yourself. You are eager to compare your body shape with a filmy hero. You think how better your body shape is than other one. How cute are you…
How attractive and romantic are you. And you continuously began to thinking about the glamour of your body etc. You want great credentials to be appreciated, to be appraised and acknowledged. This is the first time you are feeling the mortal ego about your grand appearance and stature etc. You feel you are better than your friends and similar to your liked heroes. You don’t agree to yourself be being less than great names to equate with you.
You always show extra importance your handsome body built up. At the very beginning of teenage both boys and girls became being body conscious. Psychologically we can call it narcissism etc. but it is not a psychological defect where as it is a natural interest. Everybody wants a charming body. Bodily perfection and handsomeness in looking will speak at first. So your body, speak to your body. Now you feel heroic ego. This is the first impression you feel at first in your life. This is of course, the first impression you feel the best impression. Of course the best shaped figure is being figured by everyone. Everybody count on there best looking figure, attached with a charming professional qualification. Now you feel a complete mans ego.  A person who having both the mentioned eligibilities always bears the unbearable ego high quality body appearance is first and best to appreciate at first. Everybody wants hear appreciation and praise. Everybody wants to be worshipped. Everybody wants be being the centre of attraction. Here a person thinking about his bodily attraction. The other qualities, whatever it be, are coming second and third. The merit in any subject other than handsomeness cannot out smart the smart look.
Body Look ...!
A person who having a bad shaped body can not enjoy the earth bound egotism pleasure even if he or she may be best in other fields. A best singer who possesses a bad shaped body will never be satisfied himself and the same for others too. For example – take Michael Jackson. Though Mr. Jackson was a wonderful disco dancer, he was not happy about his body look. So he spent a dangerous amount of money on dangerous skin treatment. Barak Obama, the U.S president and a super power man but he is not equal to his predecessor Bill Clinton.. .
 Even today, Mr. Clinton is enjoying the ego of glamour
Anyway, man is firstly important to his glamour of body. Between glamorous shape of body and might of body man, evaluate himself.  He or she sees their shape at first and evaluate or equalize how better are them than others. You can see your beautiful body in the mirror. But you can not see your mind in a mirror. So how can we find the shape of our minds? Man is always ignorant about his mind. The truth is that mind is the mightiest man who sitting inside and analyze the quality and glamour of his bodily stature. Actually everything is mind to pass judgement reasonably. But nobody interested to discover the mind, the super most authority of our life. We do not want to imagine the shape of out mind who staying on the inside of a beautiful body.
 Great men first discover his mind. Great people always give importance to their respective mind.  But cheapest people never discover their minds. But miracle happens when we discover out body and mind at the same time. This is a transcendental unity of body and mind. This transcendental unity of mind and body is very important to experience the miraculous pleasures that give your body by your mind and the body will give you a special force. We may call it transcendental force. You have a bodily identity but what is your mental identity…? Nobody is aware of his mental identity. Man is always important to his bodily identity.
What is the shape of mind is a question..? And can you evaluate your mind is another question..? Mind is most powerful and invincible but unidentifiable. Where as material body is easy to identify.
Earthly elements and cosmic elements…
Almost everybody is unaware of power elements, who are the determining forces to guide us through the global map of advancement but nobody ask the prime questions: who am I? Why did I take birth..? What is the real concept of life..? What is the ultimate goal to achieve…?  These are questions related to earthly existence.
Discover the super power within you.

Transcendental meditation
Not the ‘I’. Not the ‘mine’. But the third power is there, who is the super force. The third power is not ‘she’, not ‘he’ not ‘her’ not ‘his’ but individual, independent and cosmic. The third power will make you superior and invincible. You feel fears always because you are living in the illusionary world of bodily attachment. Find the third force within you is not possible but not impossible.
 Earthlings never come in terms with superior elements. Everyday you are looking into a mirror to assess and assure your handsomeness. You feel yes I am perfectly fine. But where do you feel the pleasure and joy..? You feel it inside your mind. Mind is the unseen judge who is sitting inside your body and makes you pride and satisfies about your flamboyance. People spend a great premium of time from his total time of life in front of a mirror. The mirror is important in your life. You enjoy your charming body look by yourself and indulging the orgasmic pleasure of your own charm.
Always we feel enjoyment in our mind. We feel joy in our mind. We feel satisfaction in our mind. We feel superiority in our mind. Ultimately, we feel heroic ego in our mind. So mind is the center of feelings. You close your eyes and look on the inside and focus your attention at the centre of your body. And watch yourself ‘the real you’ inside your mind. This is the other you inside you. We must discover ‘the other you’ who sitting inside our mind. The other you is not other than you but you.
Discovery of your own mind is first to be achieved. We people are how silliest. We count on figures. He is great. She is wonderful. He is not good. She is not beautiful etc. are silliest to take account in comparison with powerful mind. The president of U.S. is not great than you but you count against. If you could discover you mind you would feel there is no difference between the mind of the U.S. president and the mind of you. So mind the mind at first. There is a wonderful mind is there inside you. Discover your mind.
By : J. Born Fire