
Monday 10 June 2013

‘‘Man may be destroyed …but not to be defeated’’

‘‘Man may be destroyed …but not to be defeated’’
“From Old man and the sea” (Earnest Hemingway)

 Between 2 super powers there was a third super power that was Osama bin laden… the first super power U.S., made Osama a third super power to defeat Soviet Union, the arch enemy of U.S.

And of course, Bin laden became the third super power and he defeated soviet forces then became the favorite Hero of America …? After the fall of Soviet Union, Osama bin laden became a hero in the world of war …? 

U.S. gave all support to Al-Queada and Taliban and Mujahedeen … They unleashed the terror… America gave tremendous support to Bin laden …

 America was enjoying ‘fishing in the troubled water…’ when the ‘super terror man’ hit right deep into the heart of U.S.

 At the first time in the history of U.S., the entire U.S. army was ashamed … humbled … Humiliated ... and all Americans became thunder struck …? Then America wanted to wreak revenge upon all Muslims and American forces became mad and run amuck and first they destroyed Iraq

They killed a pathetic Saddam …? Then the America challenged Afghan-mountains, there American forces unleashed all kind of inhuman atrocities …? Thousands were killed … Taliban lost … but Bin laden escaped …

FROM THORA BORA TO ABBOTABAD, it was a terribly adventurous story, Lying behind Osama bin Laden … The entire American forces, the entire American intelligence and unlimited U.S. dollars come together to create a special kind of atomic power to catch bin laden … May be the entire history of the world, the time immemorial, there was not such a great and fierce man hunt was ever made… There was no doubt that bin laden has surpassed Hitler…  


       Mission impossible was accomplished by Israeli commandos…? Very little truth is exposed about ‘mission Bin laden the impossible’ so far..? And too much secret is hiding in the dark…? Only America knows what is the truth …? But there is no doubt that without the dare devil courage of Israeli commandos, Americans were unable to accomplish the mission so there is no doubt that Israeli commandos led the entire operation …?


       Now Pakistan has nothing to say … they have nothing to be claimed … they have lost their national pride forever… their (Mother) Land was raped by American army goons …? Pakistan’s sovereignty was challenged and defeated … So what is there, than this great shame for them forever … Pakistan has never going to repair the damage. America clearly proved it for Americans there is no Pakistan sovereignty exists.


     It seemed that osama bin laden became more powerful after his assassination…? Here who is the hero now U.S. OR OSAMA…? It seemed that the young minds have a sneaking admiration for Bin laden…? After his death, it seemed that Osama emerged as a Hero out of a villain…? Surprisingly nobody knows who won, who lost…?  America got the dead body of Osama… So what did America win …?

 If America had the courage and intelligence they should have catch Osama alive…? They catch a Saddam alive and treated him like a pig and inflicted all kind of torture and insult and humiliation upon Sadam… And of course, America enjoyed shameless joke upon Sadam…? The same Americans had a wishful thinking about Osama …? Osama gave his shit to U.S. army. His dead body …

       It seemed that Osama has been prepared himself to face his death without any fear, even a bit of fear… It seemed that he had been expecting his death… He had full imagination with his death… It seemed that Osama had death wish… Because he had became money less and friendless... 

He had become a patient… He knew, it seemed that, death is the only solution for 
him…? Osama himself had a declared many years ago that nobody can defeat him or catch him alive …? He had declared courageously that only the death can defeat him… Actually that had happened… 

Once in the war field a soldier must accept death or victory but not surrender that is a soldiers challenge anybody who defeated and surrendered 2 enemies, is not true Soldier… SOLDIER NEVER FEARS DEATH… DEATH IS EQUAL TO VICTORY FOR A SOLDIER BUT DEFEAT IS THE SHAME TO BEAR FOREVER AS A STIGMA … Here OSAMA emerges as a soldier more than a terrorist…

Osama may be an American made terrorist but there is and a great side is there about his personality… He had been always in the same shape and in the shame uniform and seemed smiling to death … 

He was never seemed as desperate and frightened … when the entire U.S. intelligence was hunting for him Osama was there in ABOTABAD staying cool and calm enjoying reading and T.V. watching … 

It seemed that he was a great book reader .. It seemed that a he had great hungry for knowledge … There was found thousand of books in his possession… He was highly educated and he had vast and deep knowledge, may be, about all subjects… 

It is a great side of his personality. Anyway, Osama may be a villain but he was a tremendous villain stood fearless and unchallenged till his death … It is an incredible side of his personality to be researched and analyzed for the future generation …

 It seemded that he had won a sneaking admiration across the world and possibly he may become a fairy tale hero in the thousand and 1 night.  

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