
Friday 27 September 2013

Miraculous escape for Malala…? Victim of stupid courage…?


 It was not her intelligent courage but her puppy courage prompted her to ignore the deadliest warning of the deadliest Taliban …

Amnesty India will never support innocent courage to suffer the infernal pain and agony and horrible death …

Rash and brash and quxotic heroism will never succeed and survive …?

One student, one teacher, one pen, and one Malala cannot change the satanic planet of earth …

One Buddha, ten Vishnu, ten Shiva, thousand Gandhi’s, and hundred Christ’s, could not change the world …... Courage can create martyrs…

Courage can create heroes and legends…However, no courage can change the sin planet earth …What has been happening around us is very simple but extremely terrible to be realized…

Christ was crucified but the satanic planet never changed …

Rash and brash courage of mrs.indira Gandhi led herself to the blood curdling tragedy …

Who is Malala to challenge the super terrorists …?

Malala was fawn upon and extremely hyped by the media and millions However, Malala herself was and is vulnerable and simpleton …

Malala was fawn upon by mad mass and hyped up by the mad media etc. …?

However, Malala was a naïve and simpleton girl she is a quirky, freaky, entity. She was not brave and she is not intelligent she is not quality-brained girl …

She must have been suffering from psycho-brave syndrome…. Psycho-braves are not under guidance of quality-supported network of practical intelligence …. Psycho-braves are funniest scene makers …

It is suicidal bravado for them but nothing to evaluate and subjectively appreciable

Various and various different kind of cases is there to be instanced that psycho-centric (psycho-brave) persons have risked their life and every thing that they have done only for publicities etc.

Psycho-brave persons are extremely greedy, hungry, and thirsty to attract high profile publicity etc. Napoleon was psycho –brave … (fool hardy).

Saint joan arc was extremely brave and formidable but at the same time, she was idiot enough to be defeated by her cunning enemies only to suffer the unspeakable shame, pains, agonies, inhuman tortures, and more …

There are very serious differences between intelligent courage and silly courage (phantom courage)…. For instance a two year of old baby will never fear to go near a king cobra …the same baby will go to the lion to play with the lion…we can call the baby ‘Malala baby’

Because the child is not aware nor beware nor alerts of the deadliest dangers around him …the same is the suitable example for Malala…

Who is malala and who is taliban ……….?

Taliban’s do not belong to human beings. They are soldiers of devils .they are born to kill and to be killed … They will not hesitate to cut the throats of a million human beings for their joke and fun … Murder is their game and sport…

History of Taliban

Had Malala been caught alive by Taliban’s she would have been raped until she dies and then Taliban would cut her body into small pieces only to feed the vultures …..

Taliban’s have already defeated the mightiest Soviet Union …now the single super power the U.S is madly desperate, anxious and terribly eager to find an exit from Afghan.

Now the America is ready to reconciliation and compromise with Taliban only to save the white faces without more bullet wounds and scars and shame on their faces

Courage can make leaders and Martyrs. Courage can make heroes and legends but courage cannot change the world of Satan.

One malala, one pen, one school, one teacher and one black bord will be enough to change the satanic orders …! what a super fantastic  idea is  this …? For sure this idea deserves the great Nobel price …    

Intelligent Courage Is Best But Idiotic Courage Is Only To  Proved To Be The Worst …

Christ and Gandhi ji could not change the world Ramayana, Mahabharata could not change the world … the first, and second world wars could not change world. Quran and bible and bhagvat gita could not change the world. Thousand of judicial courts and thousand of jails could not change the world. However, a Malala will change the world with the help of one pen, one book, one school and one teacher! What a wonderful stupid idea is this…!

Courage can make heroes and martyrs but this heroes and martyrs could never ever change the world. For thousand and thousands of years we have been fighting against the dark forces on earth but we gained no result.

We need Malalas but not stupid Malalas. We need intelligent Malalas. Our children must study .our children must go to schools and colleges. Our children must advance but we will not allow them to become the victims of infernal butchers.

Our children need intelligent courage. They must be aware, beware and alert about their enemies. Our children do not need mad courage .our children must be protected and saved from brutal forces .so our duty is, at first is, to give safety and security to our children.

[caption id="attachment_253" align="aligncenter" width="300"]taliban AMNESTY INDIA WILL NEVER SUPPORT CHILDREN’S MAD ADVENTURES TO PLAY WITH AK 47 ETC.[/caption]


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