
Friday 4 October 2013

Divine Retribution for America


obama in bottle
Mr. Putin has managed to put Mr. Obama in a bottle of utter confusion.

Mr. Putin surmounts Mr. Obama on Syrian crisis

Br. Putin is surpassing Mr. Obama…

Mr. Obama is seemed being bewildered and dazed by the surpassing performance by Mr. Vladimir Putin

American gambit and gimmick have suffered a jolt in middle cast.

Mr. Putin has managed to put Mr. Obama in a tight-capped bottle of sheer confusion etc…

We Amnesty India would like to celebrate on Mr. Putin over his strategic victory against the deadliest war game interest in the middle - east…

The world now feels the superior leadership power and the outstanding diplomatic ability of the Russian leadership…

America must bear the brunt of their evil act….

Mr. Putin has done very well what ever he had been done to solve Syrian crisis….

Mr. Putin has won a third world war against the U.S. by giving security to Mr. Snowden simply ignoring the U.S. threat.

Mr. Putin has been emerged victories with two extremely important flags in his hands. He has a green flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left hand…

For sure, he will show the signal to the arrogant and aggressive America what should be done and what should not be done.

Par - excellent performance of Russian leadership…

We Amnesty India convey our congratulation to Mr. Putin. We feel proud of Mr. Putin….

Mr. Putin really you could manage to outsmart the self-smart U.S….

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