
Sunday 6 April 2014


People are over-eager to make their body maximum beautiful and attractive and romantic but the sad reverse side of this material truth is that everybody is carefully ignores his or her mind, the cosmic centre of the interior spiritual cosmos...

Beautiful Face

Living in two bodies but we are not aware of the most important truth of the unseen being who is living inside our material figure and has been with us from the very beginning of life and has been always alert and aware and experiencing all experiences that the material body experiences… ?

For our surprise there are very limited persons who discovered and separately recognized the two powerful beings. One has a certain shape and the other has no shape but able to move up far and far and infinitively far at the end of cosmos where the Alfa and omega have been supposed to be existed.

The material scientists and the spiritual scientists are far divided between them having mutually antagonistic ideas and opinions. Lab-scientists and mind-scientists (spiritual-scientists) are never having been the similar belief and opinion.

It is a stunning surprise to realize that the far ancient spiritual-scientists had discovered the miraculous cosmos far before the lab-scientists reached the certain limited boundaries of the reachable space. But there is still lying the impossible to reach at places in the cosmos…!

Let it lies so for ever because we can’t to reach at where the God sits. This is astral infinite and material body will never travel through the endless wastes where there is no time and no east and west and north and south..! Where the material body fails to travel through there the spiritual force can cross the astral space across the cosmos.

Time is approaching fast to us to discover the undiscoverable. Spiritual vision is the only solution to find resolutions. We have to learn the spiritual methods to fly with metaphysical bird that has unseen able wings and body. The need of the time is to find time to be with spiritual entity.

But we are ignorant and silly enough to carefully ignore the spiritual truth .we are terribly mad to material objectives .we clean our body. We clean and change our clothes. We accumulate wealth. We run behind fame and material pleasures and power but we are never bothered about our souls…? We have to clean our spiritual mind. You are not supposed to ignore your soul.

 Perm Sagar

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